Who’s Who

Head Teacher -  Katherine Cooper

School Business Officer- Lucy Bancroft

Finance Secretary - Lindsay Hankey

Admin Assistant- Karly Hanson-Perryment


Teaching Team

Mrs Baker

Mrs Blake

Mrs Crowther

Mrs Cutler

Miss Hammill 

Miss Jackson

Mrs Letheren

Miss Matthew

Miss Nelson

Mrs Powell

Mrs Sladden

Mrs Thornton

Teaching Assistants and Learning Support Assistants

Mrs Aust

Mrs Barr

Miss Bridge

Miss Bunce

Mrs Cottle

Miss Foxley

Miss Gold

Mrs Grainger

Mrs Hall

Mrs Halls

Mrs Hodge

Mrs Just

Miss Keegan-White

Mrs Killick

Miss Lannon

Mrs Leach

Miss Leiper

Ms Vidler

Mrs Waters-Johnson

Mrs Webbley

Supply Teachers

Mrs Jones

Mrs Hopwood

School Dog


Safeguarding Team

DSL - Katherine Cooper

DDSL - Clare Hammill

DDSL - Jane Blake

DDSL - Faye Sladden

DDSL - Rachel Matthew

DDSL - Lucy Bancroft

DDSL - Emily Nelson


Buttercup Club - Wrap Around Care

Managers - Sue Grainger (DSL) and Mrs Hodge

Team - Mrs Cottle, Mrs Aust, Mrs Keegan-White, Mrs Barr, Mrs Just, Mrs Waters-Johnson & Miss Bridge


Special Educational Needs Team

SENDCO - Rachel Matthew

Speech and Language - Clare Hammill

Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Leader - Faye Sladden


Catering Team

Mrs Jennifer Payne

Miss Kelly Williams

Miss Claire Hawley


Midday Supervisors

Mrs Frewin

Miss Kayum

Miss Iwan