Wellbeing Zone

Our SHANARRI characters support the children's understanding of the concept of wellbeing. To achieve optimum wellbeing we need to consider these 8 wellbeing indicators, ensuring we are - safe, healthy, active, nurtured, achieving, respected, responsible and included.
The Wellbeing characters represent the 8 different wellbeing indicators introduced by the Scottish Government, often referred to by their initial letters SHANARRI (safe, healthy, achieving, nurtured, active, respected, responsible and included).
Play Scotland introduced the Wellbeing Buddies in their Play Well Pack to help children understand these characteristics.
We are using the Wellbeing Goldfield in Goldfield and learning more about what we need to do to promote our own wellbeing as well as thinking about the wellbeing of others.
As well as SHANARRI the focus at Goldfield is upon emotional resilience. Our Tree of Resilience is home to Resilient Reg and Rosie, who remind our children that we can always 'bounce back' if we have a worry, a problem or make a mistake. Our Squirrels Room is the base for Mrs Sladden, our Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader, who supports children individually and in small groups. She is also available to offer support and guidance to parents as the wellbeing of families within our community in at the centre of our provision.
The TLC (Talk Listen Care) initiative was introduced many years ago and continues to be successful in developing feelings of security and safety, encouraging children to share their feeling. This strategy underpins our Behaviour and Anti-Bullying policies and procedures.
Squirrels Room