Remote Education
Remote Curriculum at Goldfield Infants' & Nursery School
At Goldfield, we have strong systems in place in event of needing to move to remote learning. This information will hopefully clarify how learning will be provided in the different circumstances. We will teach the same curriculum remotely as we would in school wherever possible and appropriate. However, we may need to make some adaptations, such as moving to project work in some subjects.
School/Class Closure – Home Learning Arrangements
In the event of class/school closure, we move to an online system for delivering the learning to our children. Work will be set each morning via Google Classroom and then work should be uploaded. Children will receive daily work in English and Maths and weekly work in the other subjects. In addition to this, there is an expectation for the children to read daily. It is a government expectation that primary-aged children will receive and undertake at least three hours of work (Key Stage 1 & EYFS) and the work provided will reflect this.
We will provide learning in a variety of ways in order to keep the work interesting and help with the increased workload that learning online entails.
Work can be presented in various ways. It can be done directly on the platform itself or on paper and then a picture of it submitted. Teachers will be checking and assessing everyday so it is important to try to keep to handing in working daily as they can then feedback where necessary. Children will be able to send messages to their teacher via Classroom. It is important to note that the work set is not optional and must be completed unless and staff will contact parents if the work is not being submitted regularly.
Google Classroom
Use this Google Classroom Guide to help you login from home
Any technical issues with logging in and using these systems, please contact us on admin@goldfield.herts.sch.uk
The Google Notice can be found HERE.
Our Remote Learning Policy can be found on our policies page.