
General Admissions Guidance

The Local Education Authority organises admission to Primary Schools. If your child is of preschool age you should receive a County Admissions Booklet in the Autumn term prior to the academic year in which your child starts school, informing you of the County’s Primary Schools Admissions Policy and the procedure for obtaining a place at your preferred school. You can complete the form online or return the paper form, which is in the booklet, expressing your preference. The LEA will later inform you where your child has been offered a place. Should you not be offered your first preference school you have the right to appeal. Details on how to make an appeal will accompany the letter stating which school your child has been offered.

Full details about admissions to Primary School can be found here.

We regularly hold tours of our school for prospective parents.  These are usually arranged in the Autumn Term for families seeking a school place for Nursery and Reception.

In Year Admissions

If you wish to apply outside the normal transfer times (eg. if you have just moved into the area), you can make an application here. If you have any queries about this process, you can speak to someone in the Customer Service Centre on 0300 123 4043. If you wish to visit our school before making your In Year Admission application, please contact us directly.

  • We are delighted to welcome new children into our Nursery.

    Admissions – September 2025 Entry Reception & Nursery

    Miss Cooper, our Headteacher, will be running tours of the school for parents of children hoping to join the school in September 2025 in either our Nursery or Reception class. For the tours, the school can be accessed via our Christchurch Road entrance.

    If you would like to book a place on a tour, please contact the School Office either via email: or on the phone: 01442 823551

    The Nursery applications open on Monday 24th February 2025. The closing date for Nursery applications is Friday 28th March 2025. Offers for Nursery places will be emailed on Friday 25th April 2025.

    Tours have been arranged for the following dates and times:


    Tuesday 1st October 2.15pm

    Thursday 24th October 9.15am

    Thursday 28th November 2.15 pm

    Monday 9th December 2.15 pm

    Tuesday 14th January 2.15 pm

    Wednesday 22nd January 2.15 pm

    Thursday 30th January 9.15 am

    Wednesday 5th February 9.15 am

    Tuesday 11th February 9.15 am

    It is important to note that a place in our Nursery does NOT guarantee a place in Reception. This is a separate application process see

    Nursery Admissions Process

    The timeline detailing when and how to apply for a place is displayed above, along with the link to follow to make an application.

    For 2025-2026 children with birth dates between 1st September 2021 - 31st August 2022 will be admitted.

    At Goldfield, our Nursery hours are 8.30am-3.15pm Monday-Friday. There is a single entry point in September, although if we have availability children can start throughout the academic year.

    The day is split into a morning session (8.30-11.30), a lunch club (11.30-12.15) and an afternoon session (12.15-3.15). Parents can use both the 15 hours universal funding as well as the 30 hours extended funding and can also pay for sessions which aren’t covered by their funding.

    The online application form will ask you to select the sessions you would like your child to attend, this can be mornings, mornings plus the lunch club, afternoons, full days or a combination. We ask that children attend a minimum of either 2 full days or 5 mornings. Full time attendance would total 33.75 hours; using your 30 hours, your child could attend for 4 full days plus 1 morning.

    After the closing date for applications, places will be allocated based on availability.

    If the demand for places exceeds availability, our usual admissions rules will apply (see Nursery Admission Rules for Oversubscription on the website for details).

    Lunch Club - £7.00 11.30am-12.15pm

    Children can choose to bring a packed lunch or have a hot meal from school which is currently charged at £2.65 a day.

    Morning Session -£21.00 8.30am-11.30am

    Afternoon session- £21.00 12.15pm-3.15pm

    If you are applying under SEND or social or medical rules etc. it is the applicant's responsibility to provide written professional evidence at the time of their application; if this is not included the application cannot be considered under these Admission Rules.

    The tie break rule is distance which is measured by an online tool and the school's decision is final on this.

    There is no appeal process for Nursery.

    Contact will only be made with parents of successful applications.

    Acceptance of places must be in writing by the deadline given on the timeline. Failure to respond by the deadline will result in your child's place being withdrawn and offered to the next child on our Continuing Interest List.

    If we are over subscribed and your application has not been successful you may request, in writing, to remain on our Continuing Interest List.

    Goldfield has wrap around care provision, Buttercup Club, which operates a breakfast club 7.30-8.45 am and after school club 3.15-6.00 pm. Depending on which Nursery session your child is allocated you may wish to apply separately for this extended provision. Breakfast Club £7.00 per session and After School Club £16.00 per session.

    Goldfield Nursery Admissions and Sessions Policy

    Nursery Application link

  • Applications for School Places

    Applications must be made online at

    Online applications for Reception (current Nursery age children) opens in November 2024

    When will my child start primary school?

    All primary schools offer children a full-time place at the start of the September term in the academic year of their 5th birthday. There is a short transition period of mornings only and then the children attend full time.

    Please note that attendance at a nursery does not guarantee a place in the reception class of a school. You must make a new application for a place in a reception class even if your child is currently attending the school's nursery class. Every year some children who have been allocated a place in a school's nursery class fail to get a place in the reception class. This is because there are more applications for reception places than nursery places, and all schools must ensure that their admission arrangements do not discriminate against families who were unable to take up a place in the nursery class or, for example, move into an area after nursery places have been allocated.

    Prospective parents are invited to come and join a tour of the school on one of the dates and times below:

    Entry into Reception

    Tuesday 24th September 9.15am

    Tuesday 8th October 9.15 am

    Thursday 17th October 9.15 am

    Thursday 24th October 2.15pm

    Tuesday 5th November 9.15 am

    Tuesday 12th November 2.15 pm

    Thursday 28th November 9.15 am

    Tuesday 3rd December 2.15 pm

    Tuesday 7th January 9.15 am

    Wednesday 8th January 2.15 pm

    Tuesday 14th January 9.15 am

  • Applications for 2024

    Applications must be made online at

    Please find the above link for all Herts County Council guidance on applying for a Junior School place for September 2025 (Year 3) for your child.  

    Linked Infant and Junior Schools

    Goldfield School is linked to Bishop Wood School. Most junior schools prioritise applications from pupils already attending their 'linked' infant school. You should check the rules of the junior schools you are applying for in the directory section of the 'Applying for a school place' book. A list of community or voluntary controlled 'linked' infant and junior schools can be found in here.