At Goldfield Infants’ and Nursery School we aim to nurture a love for writing. Our aim is for children to be informed, articulate and empowered: finding their writers’ voice is at the heart of this aim. At Goldfield, we understand oracy, reading and writing are inextricably linked. Writing is not taught in isolation, but rooted in rich topics stimulating pupils’ imagination and deepening their motivation to write. Our writing teaching sequences are enhanced though shared high-quality texts, drama and visits to museums, the theatre and galleries; this ensures our children have exciting experiences to write about – be they real or imaginary. When children leave Goldfield, they will be able to write effectively for different purposes (to entertain, to inform and to persuade),
Daily English lessons build towards quality outcomes writing. The teaching enables children to think like a reader and think like a writer. Teaching of writing includes the following elements:
· Immersion with the text type using pictures, drama and oracy
· Ambitious vocabulary teaching (see oracy toolkit)
· Deconstructing and analysing a quality model
· Teaching grammar and punctuation within the context
· Teacher modelling and shared writing
· Guided writing
· Capturing ideas and independent writing
· Assessment for learning used throughout the writing process.
Assessment for Learning strategies are central to the effective teaching of writing:
· Planning and sharing focussed learning intentions + learning skills
· Constructing Success Criteria from a model of excellence
· Opportunities for in-lesson feedback (learning stops/sharing work under the visualiser/individual verbal feedback)
· Specific marking based on the WALT identifying areas of success and improvement.
· Planned time for marking response as part of the learning cycle. Children are taught how to use ‘pink and green’ marking to improve their writing. ‘Polishing pens’ are used in Y2 and there is a whole school understanding of the process.
· Children are trained in self/peer assessment, opportunities are built into the writing sequence and supported with school designed improvement prompts
By following this sequence children move from a supportive context to a more independent one. SEND pupils are supported by quality-first teaching: oral rehearsal, sentence stems and explicit teaching of vocabulary enable all children to make good progress. Some children have additional support including Widigit Symbols, learning mats, writing frames or additional adult support.
Teaching Grammar and Punctuation
Grammar and punctuation are key parts of the writing process and children need to know these elements in order to write effectively. We teach grammar in line with the National Curriculum requirements. Our grammar teaching is explicit and then integrated within the writing sequence so that children apply their new learning in a purposeful way. Correct terminology is used consistently throughout the school in order to empower children as writers.
We follow the spelling sequence and statutory requirements of the National Curriculum. We use the following sequence to teach spelling:
· Teach, model, define
· Practise, explore, investigate
· Apply, assess, reflect Each class timetables two sessions per week for the explicit teaching of spelling.
The children are given spellings to learn for homework which they are tested on the following week. Children are set spelling homework on Spelling Shed.
Teaching Handwriting
Handwriting is timetabled in short, regular sessions and where possible is integrated across the curriculum, e.g. practising phonics, an awareness of grammar or topic vocabulary. Teachers model correct formation and ensure that children use the correct pencil grip from EYFS onwards.
High expectations and quality teaching of writing lead to passionate writers who are inspired to write. Children’s writing is high quality and exciting to read. They understand the conventions of different genres and write purposefully to entertain, to inform and to persuade. Children can discuss why their writing is successful and make changes, thinking carefully about word choice, sentence structures and the impact on their reader.
Please click on the button below to see our Writing Knowledge map.