Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

At Goldfield’s, we aim to identify, at the earliest opportunity, all children who need special consideration to support their physical, sensory, social, emotional, communication or cognitive development. This is done with due regard to the SEND Code of Practice 2014 and in accordance with current regulations.

 Inclusive Learning

Pupils with SEND will have access to a broad and balanced curriculum through quality first teaching. We also provide additional and different provision, in order to support pupils when necessary.

Interventions and provisions are personalised, in order to remove any barriers to learning. We use rigorous systems to monitor pupil progress and maximise learning. Our goal is to ensure that all children have access to the curriculum and in school activities, in order to achieve their full potential.

 Identifying Children’s Additional Needs

This starts from our first contact with parents and carers when a child enters our school. We are pro-active in identifying any additional needs early, including the needs of children with statements who are transferring in from nursery, so that we can provide the appropriate intervention to match the needs. We work with a range of outside agencies from Education, Health and Social Care, to ensure that pupils receive the correct support.

 Involving Parents/Carers and Pupils In Planning Support

We use the Plan, Do, Review structure when planning for interventions for our our children. We call this document a MIT (my individual targets). We set targets in collaboration with parents, which will be targeted over a half term. We then review the progress and then use this to set new targets.

Parents can approach their child’s class teacher at any time if they are worried about their child’s progress. Parental involvement is crucial in supporting a child’s learning. Parents will be invited to meet with the class teacher and SENDCO to discuss the provisions for their child. They will obtain advice on how to help at home, e.g. managing behavior or other strategies. Regular contact between home and school are encouraged. Copies of any specialist assessment reports are given to parents and can be discussed with the SENDCO and class teacher.

 Dacorum DSPL site

This website has information on courses and workshops for Parents and Carers. There is also helpful information and numerous links below:


Downs Side Up

Steph’s Two Girls (blog about Pathological Demand Avoidance)

Autism Education Trust

The Families First Portal

SPACE is a voluntary organisation which runs family events

The Hertfordshire Quality SEND Offer The Hertfordshire SEND Quality Offer can be found here.

Click here for our Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND) Information report.

 Goldfield Infants’ and Nursery School is not responsible for the content of external websites, but provides these links as we think they may be useful for our families.